The weekly yoga classes inspire from short asana sequences. Seventeen of them are collected in this yoga/art book, a guide for home practice.
If so wished, the sequences can be performed in half an hour. They open a space for profound study and understanding of the basics in order to know what to guard where the poses are more complex. In the book there are seven sequences preparing for the main asana groups like standing postures, forward extensions etc. And seven programmes for different parts of the body like fe. the psoas muscle, lower back. Three more sequences are included ; a play with gravity, an easy sequence and a short practice for relaxation.
When you are new to yoga this approach is a good way to lay a foundation, if you have more experience you can use the sequences for refinement and clarity.
Digital version of the book € 29,50. You can order it by payment and sending an email. Payment details are in the contact page.
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Book / Works Berber Geerts
Photography Robert van der Molen